Meeting documents

Tuesday, 28th August, 2012

Business Items
 Executive - 28th August 2012 
 Executive - 28th August 2012
 Letter Page 
 Agenda Page 
 Compliments Comments and Complaints 
 Local Government Ombudsman Annual Review Letter (Report) 
 Local Government Ombudsman Letter 
 Local Government Ombudsman Statistics 
 Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership Inward Investment Plan and Future Contributions 
 Project Horizon Update
 Recreation Close and Rogers Avenue Proposal
 Valuers Report Recreation Close
 Valuers Report Rogers Avenue
 Welfare Reforms 
 Budget Monitoring Report Quarter 1 April to June 2012 
 Budget Process for 2012-13 
 Localisation of Council Tax Consultation 
 Health Centre Development
 Tender Evaluation Outcome - Security and Concierge Services
 Tender Evaluation Outcome - Wider Area Network (WAN) Link Clowne Campus
 To approve the minutes of a meeting of the Executive held on 30th July 2012