65 Corporate Ambitions Performance Update - October to December 2021 (Q3 - 2021/22) PDF 466 KB
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Committee considered a report in relation to the Quarter 3 outturns (October to December 2021) for the Council’s Ambition targets 2020-2024.
Out of the 31 targets:
• 19 (61%) were on track
• 1 (3%) continued to be affected by Covid 19
• 4 (12%) had been placed on alert (as unlikely to meet their outturns in 21/22)
• 7 (22%) achieved previously.
Out of the 48 performance indicators:
• 29 (60%) had a positive outturn
• 5 (10%) had a negative outturn
• 7 (15%) continued to be affected by Covid 19
• 3 (6%) were within target
• 4 (8%) did not have data available
At the pre meeting, the following questions had been raised with regard to the targets on ‘alert’, and responses had been provided as per below;
CUS.07 - Reduce average relet times for standard voids (council properties) to 20 calendar days by March 2021 and maintain thereafter
Quarter 3 Report update for the meeting:
The current relet time for a standard void is 84 days. In addition to the operational improvements being made. A report is going to the Employment Committee for a new post of Void Manager a post which for the first time would be responsible for the end to end process across both Housing Repairs & Management. This post will be focused on reviewing the current processes to ensure any delay is minimised and performance improved.
Question 1 - with regard to the Voids Manager post, who will be their line manager? Will their role involve working for housing management and repairs?
Response from Assistant Director for Property Services and Housing Repairs;
The Voids Manager will be line managed by Assistant Director for Property Services and Housing Repairs as the post is funded from the Repairs budget. They will report to the Head of Housing and Enforcement and the Assistant Director for Property Services and Housing Repairs because they will be managing the voids process from end to end across both service areas.
Question 2 - it is noted that 20 working days for a standard/minor void is a long established target. Is the target still fit for purpose today? Is it realistic and how does it compare to other local authorities? What work is being undertaken to review this?
Response fromAssistant Director for Property Services and Housing Repairs and Head of Housing and Enforcement;
The 20 working days for a minor void is a target that both relevant AD’s remain committed to achieving however the target date should be reviewed as it is unachievable at this present time.
Bolsover are part of a benchmarking group and what has always been apparent is that it is not as simple as monitoring turnaround days although there is obviously some value in this because other organisations undertake very different levels of repairs to properties whilst void. We have visited high performing (In terms of turn around) organisations with our tenants who were horrified at the lack of work undertaken.
That said both ... view the full minutes text for item 65