Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Hannah Douthwaite Governance Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: An apology for absence was received on behalf of Councillor Lisa Powell. |
Urgent Items of Business To note any urgent items of business which the Chairman has consented to being considered under the provisions of Section 100(B) 4(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: There were no urgent items of business to consider. |
Declarations of Interest Members should declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and Non Statutory Interest as defined by the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of:
a) any business on the agenda b) any urgent additional items to be considered c) any matters arising out of those items and if appropriate, withdraw from the meeting at the relevant time. Minutes: Councillor Carol Wood declared a non-disclosable interest in item 6 – Oxcroft Settlement Conservation Area as she had Members of her family living within the area. |
To consider the minutes of the last meeting held on 1st March 2023. Minutes: Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Chris Kane RESOLVED that the Minutes of a Planning Committee held on 1st March 2023 be approved as a correct record. |
Minutes: Committee considered a detailed report in relation to the above application. The application had been referred to Planning Committee due to the Council being the applicant.
The application had been amended following deferral from Planning Committee on 25th January 2023, and sought approval for the demolition of existing bungalows and assisted living building, and the redevelopment of the site.
Currently the site comprised of 20 semi-detached bungalows, assisted living building and a community centre. It was proposed that these be replaced with 23 new dwellings (comprising of 8 houses, 15 new bungalows and an independent living flat).
However, Blackwell Parish Council had since decided to withdraw from the scheme, so the application proposals had been re-designed to include retention of the existing community centre.
Further information was included in the update report which advised of comments received from NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board / Joined Up Care Derbyshire, confirming that the development fell under their threshold for requesting a S106 contribution.
Regarding condition 2 of the recommendations, the update report requested Committee to agree to delegate a minor update to the Interim Head of Development Management to address a matter in relation to the elevation plans, and an amendment to the wording of condition 13 regarding hard and soft landscaping.
Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Phil Smith RESOLVED that the application be granted subject to the following conditions:
1. The development shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved drawings and documents, unless specifically stated otherwise in the conditions below:
Site Plans:
· 12213-WMS-30-ZZ-DR-A-13001-S8-P01- Site Location Plan · 12213-WMS-30-ZZ-DR-A-13002-S2-P03 - Proposed Block Plan · 12213-WMS-30-ZZ-DR-A-13003-S8-P03 - Proposed Site Plan
· 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13020-S8-P02 - Proposed 1B2P Detached Floor Plans · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13040-S8-P02 - Proposed 1B2P Detached Elevations · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13021-S8-P02 - Proposed 1B2P Semi-Detached Floor Plans · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13041-S8-P02 - Proposed 1B2P Semi-Detached Elevations · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13022-S8-P02 - Proposed 2B3P Semi-Detached Bungalow Floor Plans · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13042-S8-P02 - Proposed 2B3P Semi-Detached Elevations · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13023-S8-P02 - Proposed 2B3P Semi-Detached Bungalow with Bay Window - Floor Plans · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13043-S8-P02 - Proposed 2B3P Semi-Detached Bungalow with Bay Window – Elevations · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13024-S8-P02 - Proposed 2B3P L-Shape Semi-Detached Bungalow - Floor Plans · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13044-S8-P02 - Proposed 2B3P L-Shape Semi-Detached Bungalow – Elevations · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13026-S8-P02 - Proposed 2B3P Narrow Front Semi-Detached Bungalow - Floor Plans · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13046-S8-P02 - Proposed 2B3P Narrow Front Semi-Detached Bungalow – Elevations · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13027-S8-P02 - Proposed 3B5P Semi-Detached House - Floor Plans · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13047-S8-P02 - Proposed 3B5P Semi-Detached House – Elevations · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13028-S8-P02 - Proposed 3B5P Detached House - Floor Plans · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13048-S8-P02 - Proposed 3B5P Detached House -Elevations · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13029-S8-P01 - Proposed 4B7P Detached House - Floor Plans · 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13049-S8-P01 - Proposed 4B7P Detached House –Elevations
Independent Living Scheme:
· 12213-WMS-30-00-DR-A-13032-S8-P01 - Proposed ILS - Ground Floor Plan · 12213-WMS-30-01-DR-A-13033-S8-P01 - Proposed ILS - First Floor Plan · 12213-WMS-30-XX-DR-A-13034-S8-P01 - Proposed ILS - 1B2P Flat Types · 12213-WMS-30-XX-DR-A-13035-S8-P01 - Proposed ILS - 2B3P Flat Types · 12213-WMS-30-XX-DR-A-13051-S8-P05 ... view the full minutes text for item PL5-23/24 |
Oxcroft Settlement Conservation Area Additional documents:
Minutes: The Heritage Conservation Manager provided an update on the outcome of a public participation exercise on the proposed designation of the Oxcroft Settlement Conservation Area.
The public consultation exercise had run for a period of six weeks, between 27th January 2023 and 10th March 2023. A list of the properties consulted, and a detailed summary of the issues raised with an officer response was detailed in the report.
The Oxcroft Conservation Area Appraisal was attached to the report and detailed the historic significance of the area and how the Conservation Area Legislation had been met.
Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Chris Kane RESOLVED that:
(1) the Oxcroft Conservation Area appraisal be adopted;
(2) the designation of the Conservation Area be approved,
(2) that delegated authority be granted to the Interim Head of Development Management and Heritage Conservation Manager to make any minor amendments to the documents.
Councillor Carol Wood returned to the meeting. |
Quarterly update on Section 106 Agreement Monitoring Minutes: Committee considered a quarterly progress report in respect of the monitoring of Section 106 Agreements.
In line with the approved procedure, the progress report was required to highlight any sums of money at risk of clawback which required spending within 24 months of receipt.
The last quarterly update had highlighted seven sums as being within their 24-month deadline. Further to the Monitoring Group meeting held on 27th April 2023, this was updated to eight sums within their 24-month deadline and were detailed in the report. However, only two of these fell within a 12 month spend period.
Committee was advised that further to publication of the report, monies in relation to Meridian Close, Bolsover, cricket pitch, had now been spent and the invoice processed for payment.
A query was raised regarding Mansfield Road, Tibshelf – Outdoor Sport. The Leisure Special Projects Officer advised Members that he was currently awaiting a response from the Football Foundation, however, he would make enquires for an update.
Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Phil Smith RESOLVED that the report be noted.
The meeting concluded at 10:53 hours. |