Venue: Council Chamber, The Arc, Clowne
Contact: Alison Bluff Governance Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies For Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Jane Bryson, Tracey Cannon, David Downes, Tom Kirkham, Peter Roberts, Evonne Parkin, Anne Clarke and Nick Clarke.
Declarations of Interest Members should declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and Non Statutory Interest as defined by the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of:
a) any business on the agenda b) any urgent additional items to be considered c) any matters arising out of those items and if appropriate, withdraw from the meeting at the relevant time. Minutes: As Members of Shirebrook Town Council, Councillors Steve Fritchley, Chris Kane, Sandra Peake and Jenny Wilson, declared a non disclosable pecuniary interest in the presentation proposals for Shirebrook Crematorium. On advice from the Interim Monitoring Officer, these Members could remain in the meeting and partake in discussion and ask questions on the item.
Appointment of Assistant Director and Monitoring Officer PDF 590 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Interim Monitoring Officer left the meeting for the following item of business.
. APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT DIRECTOR AND MONITORING OFFICER Council considered a report presented by the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Governance in relation to the post of Assistant Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer.
At Council on 3rd November 2021, Members had approved the disestablishment of the Joint Assistant Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer, and established a Bolsover only post of Assistant Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer (Minute No CL62-21/22refers).
The Bolsover only post was offered to the existing Joint Assistant Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer, however, the post holder accepted an equivalent post at North East Derbyshire District Council which resulted in a vacancy at this Council.
The vacant post was advertised externally and recruitment was undertaken in line with the Council’s policies and procedures.
The Employment & Appeals Committee conducted interviews on Thursday 24th March2022 and recommended that Mr Jim Fieldsend be appointed to the post of Assistant Director Governance and Monitoring Officer. The Minutes from the Committee were attached as an appendix to the report.
Moved by Councillor Steve Fritchley and seconded by Councillor Duncan McGregor RESOLVED that Mr Jim Fieldsend be appointed as Assistant Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer (statutory role). (HR and OD Manager)
The Assistant Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer returned to the meeting.
Proposals for Shirebrook Crematorium - Presentation from the CDS Group Minutes: Council received a detailed presentation from the CDS Group who had been working with the Council’s Business Growth Team on designs for a proposed Crematorium in Shirebrook.
The presentation to Council was for the purpose of a consultation exercise and after the presentation Members were invited to make comments and ask questions of the CDS Group and the Business Growth team about the designs and scheme.
Members thanked the CDS Group for an excellent presentation and also thanked the Business Growth Manager, the Technical Projects Assistant and the Executive Director of Strategy and Development, for their thought and hard work which had gone into the project proposals.
The Business Growth Manager informed the meeting that Shirebrook Town Council and members of the public would also be consulted on the proposals.
A feedback questionnaire would be emailed to all Members along with the presentation pack and a link to the exhibition boards and fly through video, which were also available on line.