Committee details


Purpose of committee

The Council meeting consists of all 37 Members of the Council and meets approximately every 2 months, usually on Wednesdays commencing at 10:00 hours.


Meetings of the Council are open to the public and usually take place in the Council Chamber at The Arc, Clowne. Occasionally there are items included on an agenda which are exempt and for those items the public will be asked to leave the meeting.


The Council timetable begins with an annual meeting in May when it elects the Chair of Council for the municipal year ahead and confirms the appointment of councillors to serve on committees.  Council also appoints the Leader every 4 years, who in turn appoints the Deputy Leader of the Council and an Executive, the principal decision making body.


Although the Executive takes most of the day-to-day decisions in the running of the authority, the meetings of the Council remain the ultimate policy making body.


The Council sets the budget and policy framework (Constitution Part 4) within which the Executive must operate. The budgetary framework includes the use of capital resources as well as the revenue budget and setting the council tax. The policy framework is made up of a wide range of plans and strategies, such as the Growth Strategy, the Local Plan, and the Council Ambition (Corporate Plan).


Asking a question at Council


Members of the public may ask one question of councillors at any ordinary meeting of the Council but must put their question in writing to no later than midday, twelve clear working days before the day of the meeting. Guidance on submitting questions to Council is available here and a register is kept of questions that are submitted:


Register of Public Questions to Council 2019/20


For further information on attending or participating in public meetings of the Council, guidance is available here.



Contact information

Support officer: Angelika Kaufhold. Governance and Civic Manager

Phone: 01246 242529
