The Executive is appointed and chaired by the Leader of the Council. The Leader was elected in May 2023 for a four year term.
There are eight members of the Executive, each of whom is responsible for a portfolio of service areas.
The Executive is responsible for most day to day areas of Council business, except for regulatory functions of the Council, such as planning and licensing matters, and staffing matters. It has responsibility for all budget and policy decisions within the framework set down by the Council. This includes major organisational changes, preparation and monitoring of budgets, service developments, target setting and performance monitoring.
The Executive delegates some of its powers to individual officers of the Council who are responsible for day-to-day decision making.
The Executive meets in public normally once per month. It may also meet in private at the conclusion of the public meeting. When it is intended to consider any matters in private, notice will be given in advance on the Forward Plans section of this website, as well as marked clearly on the agenda.
Full details of the responsibilities of the Executive and Portfolio Holders can be found in Part 3 of the Constitution.
Support officer: Alison Bluff. Governance Officer
Phone: 01246 242528