Committee details

General Licensing Sub Committee

Purpose of committee

The General Licensing Sub Committee is a Sub Committee of the General Licensing Committee. 


The matters dealt with by the General Licensing Sub Committee include taxi licensing (hackney carriage and private hire), scrap metal sites and operators and matters under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 (as amended by the Police and Crime Act 2009).


The Sub Committee includes the full membership of the parent Committee.  The Sub Committee considers applications and other matters in relation to licences, such as breach of conditions, which cannot be dealt with by officers under delegation. Meetings are scheduled approximately every 4 weeks.


The Council’s procedure for Taxi Licensing Hearings is available here.


More information on the terms of reference and responsibilities of the General Licensing Committee and Sub-Committee can be found in Part 3 of the Council’s Constitution.


Taxi Licensing Policy


In September 2018 the local authority approved a revised Taxi Licensing Policy which is divided into five sections for ease of reference. The five sections are:



Other licensing policies and information can be found on the Council’s website here.



Contact information

Support officer: Matthew Kerry. Governance Officer

Phone: 01246 242519
