Meeting documents

Monday, 9th January, 2012

Business Items
 Executive - 9th January 2012 
 Executive - 9th January 2012
 Cover Page 
 Letter Page 
 Orchestral Development 3 Year Strategic Plan 2012-15 
 Report from the Review of Legal Services Improvement Scrutiny Committee 
 Appendix to Improvement Scrutiny Committee Review 
 Housing Department Quarterly Progress 
 Housing Department Report Appendix 
 Fees and Charges 2012-13 
 Arrears Irrecoverable Items - Over £1000 (Open) 
 Arrears Irrecoverable Items Over £1000 (Exempt)
 Agenda Page 
 Former Tenant Arrears
 Provisional General Fund Budgets – 2011-12 Estimated Outturn 2012-13 Original Budget and Financial Plans 2013-14 and 2014-15
 Appendix - General Fund Risk Register
 To approve the minutes of a meeting of the Executive held on 12th December 2011