Meeting documents

Monday, 12th December, 2011

Business Items
-50Channel Strategy 2011 -2013 
 Executive - 12th December 2011 
 Executive - 12th December 2011
 Cover Page 
 Letter Page 
 Groundwork Creswell Ashfield & Mansfield Core Funding Report on Activities During 2010-11 
 Groundwork Creswell - Actual 2010-11 Programme 
 Groundwork Creswell - Projected 2011-12 Programme 
 Groundwork Creswell - Projected 2012-13 Programme 
 Groundwork Creswell - Service Level Agreements 
 Groundwork Creswell - Service Level Agreement Overview 
 Junction Arts Community Arts Programme - 2nd Stage Payment 2011-12 and 2012-13 proposed programme plan 
 Junction Arts Project Profiles 
 Junction Arts Proposed Programme 2012-13 
 Limestone Journeys Partnership Agreement 
 Disposal of Goods and Office Furniture 
 Recommended Item from Safe and Inclusive Scrutiny Committee - Patch Management Policies - Running a Businss from Home and Illegal Occupiers 
 Running a Business from Home and Illegal Occupiers Policy 
 Shared Services Scrutiny 
 Channel Strategy 2011-2013 
 Channel Strategy Document 
 Working Neighbourhoods Fund Monitoring Report - Quarter 2 Update 
 Shared Procurement Unit - Tenders Update
 CCTV Monitoring and Hardware Tender
 Agenda Page 
 ICT Investment Plans 
 ICT Investment Plans - Appendix 
 Permission for Tender for Street Scene Works - Street Scene Summer Works by Not for Profit Organisation
 To approve the minutes of a meeting held on 7th November 2011 
 Record of Decision Notices from the meeting of the Joint Board held on 22nd November 2011. 
 Aiming High Capital Grant - Replacement Jetty at Pleasley Vale 
 Appendix A - Existing Jetty Pleasley Vale 
 Appendix B - Pleasley Vale 
 Tarran Bungalow Redevelopment
 Appendix C - Tarran Bungalow Redevelopment
 Appendix D - Tarran Bungalow Redevelopment
 Appendix E - Tarran Bungalow Redevelopment